630 Gentry Way, Reno 89502
Frequently Asked Questions...
Why another church? We want to reach people for Jesus. We’re all about Him. Lots of people are intimidated by church or “religion.” Journey Church isn't intimidating or uncomfortable. Our message is simple yet effective: It’s all about Jesus!
What kind of music do you have? The music is contemporary praise and worship. It’s upbeat and lively. Our worship band can be loud and rowdy; they can be soft and moving. Either way, you'll step into God's presence and you'll feel it. Words to the songs are displayed on a large screen. Warning: We’ve been known to clap.
What do people wear? We only ask that they’re covered! It’s very laid back, and most people feel comfortable in jeans and casual slacks. But others like to “put on their Sunday best” and come in dresses or sport coats. Basically, whatever you’re comfortable in!
• How many people are there? We average around 150 or so.
Do you have childcare? Yes, right now it’s for 5 and under. But don’t let that stop you! Many people bring their older child into service, where they can color or draw or fall asleep like some of the adults.
Is it “churchy?” Heavens no. We’re all about Jesus without the religion and stoic church atmosphere that turns off people. We’re respectful to God but we’re people, too. Expect people singing from their hearts, lots of laughter and a whole lot of Jesus!
How long does it last? We’re out of there by noon.
Do you do any “creepy” visitor recognition? Define creepy. Seriously, we don’t do any of that. Chances are someone will say “Good morning” to you and shake your hand, but we want you to feel comfortable while you check us out.
What kinds of people go there? Good question. It’s kind of an eclectic bunch but we think that’s why it works. There are some college kids. High schoolers. Business types. People in recovery. Some retirees. Some people with money. Some people with no money. Young. Old. Some with a church background. Others who have never opened a Bible. There might be some people with tattoos.
Are you one of those “seeker friendly” churches that waters down the Gospel? No. Jesus was seeker friendly but He didn’t pull any punches. Our message is aimed at encouraging and challenging the believer to more seriously live out their faith, while making the Gospel easy enough for anyone to understand and embrace.
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